"The Hustle," a con comedy starring Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson, is light and slight and utterly forgettable as soon as it's over. It is the kind of movie you watch on an airplane—perhaps on the way to someplace luxurious and relaxing like the South of France, the film's setting—while falling in and out. The Hustle is amusing, even, at times, laugh-out-loud funny, which thoroughly surprised me.

Christian Black/Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures. 'The Hustle' Stars React to Their IMDb Pages. At times, movie gets painfully to the heart of female dilemmas like the anger Penny feels over being dismissed by men for her weight. Now it's Hathaway playing Josephine, the scam maestro with.

The Hustle

The Hustle is here and we're gonna talk about it. The Hustle Review: Anne Hathaway's a Charming Scoundrel in Flat Remake. They say it's all in the timing, especially when it comes to funny business. But in The Hustle everyone's inner comedic clock is calamitously off. And yet The Hustle flutters and sputters and all too quickly goes splat. Starring Rebel Wilson, Anne Hathaway, Tim Blake Nelson, Alex Sharp, Ingrid Oliver, and Emma Davies.

Trailer The Hustle

The Hustle is a misguided disaster with no spark between its two rival con artists played by Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson (both of which. "The Hustle" starts off as the liveliest of the three, and it has its share of winning scenes. Hathaway and Wilson, who spend most of the movie trying to "The Hustle" starts off as a vengeful comic fantasy of women using tricks and illusions to exploit the lusty pliability of men. In the movies, the vast majority.

Home Movie Review English English Movie Review. The Hustle introduces an unexpectedly perfect comedy duo of Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson. This is a non-spoiler review of "The Hustle" starring Rebel Wilson, Anne Hathaway, Alex Sharp, and more! The Hustle had a premise and a cast that could have worked well together.