This time, they meet Star Lord's dad! Does it live up to the hype, or at least the first movie? Here's my review of "Guardians of.
Looking for some great streaming picks? Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. The Guardians are now a seasoned team, but the movie is all about how Peter got to be who he is.
Marvel's likeable superhero comedy Guardians of the Galaxy is back for amiable and goofy volume number two, and its beefy-yet-quirky space hero and team leader Peter Quill, played by Me myself and I. Little Groot — either the seed or the reincarnation of Big Groot — has a scene in which he's dispatched by two imprisoned characters to retrieve a weapon. Be careful what you wish for. You can only do that once. The good news, however, is that the followup, while taking on some CGI bloat and sequel slickness, hasn't lost its love for inspired lunacy. Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
Trailer Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
The movie begins in medias res, with Quill and the gang facing down a blobby adversary with fat, snapping tentacles and rows of nasty teeth — the better to eat them with or just tear them. This sequel doesn't have as much snappy repartée as the original that made audiences howl and want more. And, for the terrific first hour or so that seems to be the case with the movie as well.
If the first film was about bringing this group of A-holes together, then convention dictates that the sequel should be about. Baby Groot and Drax steal the movie as the most likable characters. The other Guardians are well-rounded and emotionally motivated, though each character arc is worn on. The Guardians of the Galaxy know that as well as anyone.