When I watched this movie back in August, it just made me even more happy and glad I played the game of basketball as. Kyrie Irving, the best point guard in the. Christy and Alonso review and rate the upcoming comedy "Uncle Drew"!

Uncle Drew wears Kyrie Irving Nikes, and Jordans are purchased as part of the plot. ESPN (one of the movie's producing partners) is heavily promoted, particularly SportsCenter. Uncle Drew Review: The Old-Timers Have A Lot of Fun.

Uncle Drew

Uncle Drew isn't a great sports comedy, but it's highly entertaining thanks to nailing the right tone and the chemistry of its leads. Considering this movie stemmed from a soft drink commercial, Uncle Drew is much better than it has any right to be. The movie is a spinoff of a series of viral Pepsi ads in which the Boston Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving, made up to look older, took much younger street basketball players to school. At the same time, possibly because of the soft-drink-company sponsorship, "Uncle Drew" has a bland undertaste. Highly predictable, Uncle Drew plays out like a love letter to the game of basketball. And while it has its fair share of fun and frivolity, this movie proves why basketball is giving football a run for its money as America's sport.

Trailer Uncle Drew

At the surface, Uncle Drew is a fun basketball movie, with little substance. The NBA players are better actors than you might expect, and do a serviceable job mimicking the elderly. That's not a shot in the dark, but a fact.

The credits of director Charles Stone III's latest film shows the cast and If you're in that camp, then you probably don't need a review to tell you about "Uncle Drew." If you're anyone else, well, you're not missing much here. Uncle Drew isn't bad for a feature-length Pepsi ad: EW review. As a Boston Celtics fan, it pains me to see our star player, Kyrie Irving, somehow finding the time to moonlight as a Hollywood movie star when his knee wouldn't even allow him to finish out the season. Review for the film " Uncle Drew".