Birth of the Dragon (original title). But Movie Fans' reactions will depend on how they view the large amount of fictionalization in the story (including forcing that story into a recognizable Hollywood formula) - and what they think of how the climactic fight is portrayed. Bruce Lee (played by Philip Ng), right, battling his rival (Yu Xia) in "Birth of the Dragon."Credit.
Birth of the Dragon movie reviews & Metacritic score: Young, up-and-coming martial artist, Bruce Lee, challenges legendary kung fu Birth of the Dragon, as a work of fiction, could have been good. There clearly wouldn't be enough of a narrative if the film was solely about the build up. Read Common Sense Media's Birth of the Dragon review, age rating, and parents guide.
Bruce Lee is certainly cool and accomplished, and he's shown learning to not base his self-worth on beating people up (although the movie isn't entirely clear on how he changes or what he changes into). The makers of "Birth of the Dragon" took that to heart. There's no style or technique to get imprisoned by here. Film Review: 'Birth of the Dragon'. The trouble with the staging is that Nolfi makes the fight "larger than life," but the whole hook of the movie is that we want to see what Bruce Lee looked. review. What should've been an exploration of Bruce Lee devolves into a boring crime drama that simply features him.
Trailer Birth of the Dragon
Biographical drama Birth of the Dragon recounts Bruce Lee's legendary fight against kung fu master Wong Jack Man. Instead, George Nolfi's dramatisation of a major event in the life of the greatest-ever movie martial artist is utterly anaemic. As biopics go, it makes Rob.
Story: A story about the legendary showdown between Bruce Lee and his nemesis, the martial artist Wong Jack Man. Review: Bruce Lee's life is fascinating. Watch a trailer for Birth of the Dragon. Loosely based on a real-life fight, this martial arts drama purports to explore the early years of Bruce Lee.