The new Netflix-produced drama, "To the Bone," written and directed by Marti Noxon, tells the tale of a young anorexic using the inside-joke gallows humor of the "rexies" (anorexics) themselves. Instead of approaching the topic in a solemn "issue of the week" way, "To the Bone" tries to lighten the mood. "To the Bone" review. I watched this movie, mainly because of the main characters, but I found myself immersed in the plot.

Chris Stuckmann reviews To the Bone, starring Lily Collins, Keanu Reeves, Lili Taylor, Carrie Preston, Alex Sharp, Liana Liberato, Leslie Bibb. I know a movie like this can only give a glimpse it this problem, but seeing humans I could relate to go through these problems made it more real than reading an article Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Netflix drama To The Bone has been attacked by those who say it glorifies eating disorders.

To the Bone

The movie follows Ellen (played by Collins), a young woman dealing with the disease. Director Marti Noxon recently revealed To The Bone is based on her own experiences as an anorexic. The new Netflix movie illustrates how hard it is to responsibly portray a mental-health disorder that has morbidly fascinated culture for centuries. "To the Bone" opens with just such a shot: That reed-thin silhouette advancing toward us is Ellen (an alarmingly frail Lily Collins), an anorexic young While not downright irreverent, this is the kind of anorexia movie where characters crack jokes about not wanting to visit the Holocaust Museum, lest. The trailer for To The Bone, Netflix's new film about a recovering anorexic inpatient, caused considerable controversy when it was released last month. Early reviews of To The Bone have been surprisingly positive in terms of its potential impact on viewers. Netflix's To The Bone Movie Review. ''To The Bone'' is a believable and accurate account of what those struggling with with eating disorders will face.

Trailer To the Bone

Above all the movie highlights the fact that no one is to blame for an eating disorder which contrasts from the revenge. The first time Lily Collins strips, to the Dr Beckham sends Ellen to a home where others like her are being treated, and so begins our movie, a movie which has shades of One Flew Over the. To The Bone makes it so you can't say Lily Collins is living off her father's name anymore.

They make the type of movies you need to be in a theater to truly experience in full. Not at your own convenience where if you get bored, hungry, or need to use the bathroom you can just pause it. To the Bone follows Ellen (Lily Collins), a young girl who has struggled with anorexia for quite some time. She's tried multiple things to try and get past it but can't seem to find a way to fix her disease.