Featuring an ensemble cast, Inner City Rats reveals a raw and humorous glimpse into the streets of New York where anything can happen and everything can go Looking for some great streaming picks? Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. I think the storyline in this movie was very unique.
It's a bright, sunny day, the weather. To watch the movie we just need to verify you are not a robot. Black market gun deals, petty scams, convenience store stick-ups, and drug-fueled parties reveal glimpses into the lives of young misfits and low level criminals across New York City. less.
Starring: Nathaniel Ansbach, Louis Rocky Bacigalupo, David Bourne and others. Black market gun deals, petty scams, convenience store stick-ups, and drug-fueled parties reveal glimpses into the lives of. ā€ˇWatch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Inner City Rats directed by Sam Garcia Southern. Black market gun deals, petty scams, convenience store stick-ups, and drug-fueled parties reveal glimpses into the lives of young misfits and low level criminals across New York City. Black market gun deals, petty scams, convenience store stick-ups, and drug-fueled parties reveal glimpses into the lives of young misfits and low level criminals across New York City. You can watch movies online for free without Registration. Sorely in need of an injection of black humour or wit, City Rats is a long trawl through picture postcard London, populated by underwritten characters mouthing unlikely dialogue.
Trailer Inner City Rats
Inner City Rats full movie free download, streaming. Changes to written content like reviews and biographies, tagged metadata like Genres, Styles, Moods, Themes and Similar Movies, as well as information about credits, movie posters and movie trailers are provided by our data provider, Rovi. Equal parts disturbing and humorous, informative and bizarre, "Rat Film" is a brilliantly imaginative and formally experimental essay on how Baltimore has dealt with its rat problem and manipulated its black population.
City Rats is the factitious tale of eight Londoners from the lower reaches of the East End who pair off to go about their tedious, unconvincing ways with Canary Wharf usually in the background. A middle-aged, black woman teams up with an ex-convict to disinter her son's body and murder the drug dealer. We live on the surface of the city; they generally live below. We mostly work by day; they mostly work by night.