What The Health is a new and popular documentary film claiming to expose the dangers of consuming a diet including animal products. Consume mostly plant foods, plenty of healthy fats, and moderate amounts of high-quality animal products (the foundation of my Healing Diet). Families can talk about how What the Health conveys its messages.

This film supposedly exposes the dangers of consuming a diet that includes animal products. The film instead strongly advocates for the consumption of a plant-based, vegan diet. What the Health Ratings & Reviews Explanation.

What the Health

What the Health is a ground breaking feature length documentary from the award-winning filmmakers of Cowspiracy, that follows the exciting journey of intrepid filmmaker, Kip Andersen, as he uncovers the impacts of highly processed industrial animal foods on our personal health and greater community. The recent Netflix film "What the Health" is encountering criticism for pushing a vegan diet with poor nutrition science. The movie claims that patients crippled with rheumatoid arthritis can go off their meds, but this systematic review concluded that the effects of dietary interventions for RA were uncertain. The What the Health movie is not a balanced documentary, but an alarmist, biased polemic. What the Health is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award winning documentary Cowspiracy. What the Health argues that meat and dairy products are the primary cause of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Trailer What the Health

I don't have enough time in this podcast to go through the movie point by point. Suffice it to say the film includes a lot of facts but also a lot of opinion, anecdotes. That's what you may think after watching the popular new movie "What the Health" (WTH) on Netflix.

What the Health is a groundbreaking feature length documentary from. The movie makes very strong claims against animal products in general. To the point of comparing They went vegan and it did great things for their health. One of them avoided having a heart attack I review the medical studies on nutrition with the goal of explaining what we know, scientifically, about.