Unforgettable's talented cast makes this domestic thriller consistently watchable, even if its failure to How did you buy your ticket? Furthermore, Unforgettable mostly felt like an evening Lifetime movie and most of the scenes were dreadfully boring and uneventful. UNFORGETTABLE MOVIE REVIEW - Rosario Dawson is back and this time she ain't messing with no superhero or nothing like that.

The story of two beautiful women. Anderson, Common Sense Media. "Unforgettable" is an OK movie. But rather forgettable, contrary to the title.


The movie follows a couple, Julia and David. Unforgettable movie reviews & Metacritic score: Tessa Connover (Katherine Heigl) is barely coping with the end of her marriage when her ex-husband, David (Ge. 'Unforgettable' review: Incessantly enchanting. Simplicity is a tool the film doesn't take for granted. Sarah Geronimo is undoubtedly the star in this movie. There are many movies that are worth seeing, but there are a lot of stinkers as well. Unforgettable Movie Review: We've seen crazier things done in the name of love on the big screen.

Trailer Unforgettable

Ultimately, it's easier seeing Heigl pine for love than seeing her try to snatch it away from someone. Producer Denise Di Novi has made her directorial debut with Unforgettable. Now lets see how Unforgettable has turned out to be.

Unforgettable is definitely the wrong title for a movie you want to erase from your memory the second it ends. Unforgettable Review, Unforgettable Rating, Unforgettable Movie Reviews, Unforgettable Public Review, Unforgettable Movie Release Date, Unforgettable Film Release Date. Unforgettable is the first film in the director's chair for veteran producer Denise Di Novi. Rosario Dawson, Katherine Heigl and Geoff Stults star in the dramatic thriller.