There are no featured audience reviews for Us & Them at this time. Us and Them (Chinese: 后来的我们, lit. "Who We Will Be") is a Chinese romantic drama film directed by Taiwanese singer-actress Rene Liu in her directorial debut and produced by Zhang Yibai. Us and Them is a movie about love and loneliness.

Chinese singer and actress Rene Liu's directorial debut Us and Them is a film that's all about missed opportunities. The film takes a deep and sensitive look at the fragile nature of human relationships. Us and Them certainly provides enough meat for Roth to sink his teeth into, getting plenty of airtime to rant about social injustice as if he's in an entirely different movie from the one that we are watching.

Us and Them

The psychological conflict isn't fully realised, but even the nascent notions work quite well. There are solid reasons why romance is used in a huge proportion of film narratives. It is almost universally relatable, it's cost-effective in only requiring the actors and not necessarily any large setpieces, and it can be deeply emotionally impactful and memorable. Us and Them movie reviews & Metacritic score: Three disenfranchised British lads, intent on making a grand and brutish statement on economic inequality in th. Us And Them - Official Trailer [HD] It's a decent concept for any sort of movie - a thriller, a horror flick, a comedy - but the problem here is that writer-director Joe Martin never quite.

Trailer Us and Them

Us and Them opens with a scene that we think we've seen before. Danny, played with a solemn intensity by Jack Roth, is meeting his girlfriend's parents The film is a home invasion movie by rights but has an overt political angle that adds moral ambiguity to the genre. Danny is sick to the teeth with.

Ten years later, they run into each other again. Will they make the most of this second chance and rekindle what they once lost? A movie about being young, broke, and in love. I fell in love with their love and spoiler, it hurt. "If you had gotten on the train that day, I would have been with you forever.