Betting on Zero is an interesting look at financial machinations most of us never know about-and fair warning not to get involved with Herbalife. Betting on Zero takes a matter-of-fact approach to its material, but it makes a convincing and sometimes emotional argument against Herbalife. Betting on Zero movie reviews & Metacritic score: Writer/director Ted Braun follows controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman as he puts a billion dollars o.

In this video I clear up a few of the misconceptions the documentary Betting On Zero tries to make people believe in order to give my friends and viewers. The topic of "Betting on Zero" might initially seem better suited to the business pages. The film chronicles the hedge fund manager William A Even without an upbeat ending, though, "Betting on Zero" would be persuasive advocacy.

Betting on Zero

Ackman comes across as sincere in his outrage and cogent. It investigates the allegation that Herbalife is a pyramid scheme, and follows Bill Ackman's short investment in Herbalife. "Betting on Zero" is not here to make you a believer. In fact, if there's anything that Ted Braun's examination of the meteoric, global rise of Herbalife It may not be entirely inspiring, but "Betting on Zero" captures the everyone-for-themselves desperation that would make any wronged individual. Controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman is on a crusade to expose global nutritional giant Herbalife as the largest pyramid scheme in history while Herbalife execs claim Ackman is a market manipulator out to bankrupt them and make a killing off his billion dollar short. Controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman is on a crusade to expose global nutritional giant Herbalife as the largest pyramid scheme in history while Herbalife execs claim Ackman is a market manipulator out to bankrupt them and make a killing off his billion dollar short. For a few years, a war has been raging on Wall Street between Herbalife Ltd., and Bill Ackman, a very wealthy hedge fund honcho.

Trailer Betting on Zero

Herbalife is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company. For those of you who don't know what that means, it's a. Loading… Ackman did not finance "Betting On Zero" or conceive of it.

Here's a description of the film: Allegations of corporate criminality and high-stakes Wall Street vendettas swirl throughout this riveting financial docu-thriller. Controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman is on a crusade to expose global nutritional. I'm glad I don't work in Herbalife's (NYSE:HLF) PR department. While "Betting on Zero" is not a decidedly anti-Herbalife movie from the onset, its ability to profile real victims, the Wall Street story.