Lost in London is the hilarious tale of Okon and Bona, young students who get selected for an exchange program in London. Mark reviews Lost in London, a first of its kind movie from writer/director Woody Harrelson, which was filmed in one continuous shot and livestreamed into. Fathom Events presents a unique one-night cinema event.

It is the first time a film was live broadcast into theatres. Lost In London is not a great film. How could it be when character and plot are slaves to the concept, when all we have is the frame of a single camera?

Lost in London

But it is a brilliant technical and logistical achievement, especially from a first-time director previously known for comedy and character roles. Lost in London is a one-off live feature film, broadcast to cinemas internationally just as it was being shot on the streets of our capital, and not only that, but a film consisting of a single uninterrupted take. The brainchild of writer-director-star Woody Harrelson, it was an experimental tightrope-walk. Review Summary: I wouldn't call Lost in London a great movie, but I would say that it demonstrates a huge achievement in filmmaking while giving an entertaining and often hilarious story. The Good: Woody Harrelson - Woody Harrelson is great. There really isn't much more I can say.

Trailer Lost in London

On Thursday night, when I made my way to a Times Square theater to see Woody Harrelson's livestreamed movie Lost in London, I felt myself hoping that something would go wrong. Lost in London review: Woody Harrelson's live movie is a miraculous oddity. Actor reveals the self-penned Lost in London will be his first project as director, as he juggles with commitments to George Clooney and Rob Reiner.

Even a wartime bomb couldn't turn this into an omnishambles. Lost in London - Okon and Bona have been selected for an exchange program in London. Will they return home after the program or will they attempt to make it big in London? Lost in London Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Lost in London along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast.