The movie starts with LBJ (Woody Harrelson) and wife Lady Bird (Jennifer Jason Leigh) waiting for the arrival of President Kennedy (Jeffrey Donovan) at the. The LBJ-RFK conflict—with JFK as bemused moderator—continues after Johnson successfully attempts to make the Vice Presidency a greater, more The best movie reviews, in your inbox. My review of LBJ, Rob Reiner's film on Lyndon Johnson.

Families can talk about how LBJ portrays Johnson. Movie review of Electric Entertainment's release of LBJ, directed by Rob Reiner, and starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Woody Harrelson, Bill Pullman. Woody Harrelson swaggers through this movie, which tries to track the coming into consciousness From the moment Woody Harrelson swaggers into "LBJ," you can see the glinting intelligence and.


Woody Harrelson steps into Lyndon B. Johnson's boots beside Jennifer Jason Leigh's Lady Bird in Rob Reiner's political biopic 'LBJ,' which centers on the Kennedy years. "Lincoln Light". What You Need To Know: LBJ tells the story of the rise of Lyndon. Woody Harrelson and Jennifer Jason Leigh star in LBJ. LBJ isn't an exciting take on this intriguing president, but its cast make sure it's a. Lyndon Baines Johnson is certainly a worthy subject for a Hollywood biopic.

Trailer LBJ

The only question is: Is the LBJ movie we want and deserve an LBJ movie directed by Rob Reiner? LBJ is a wholly unneccesary film where comparisons to the Bryan Cranston-starring All the Way are going to be Her movie reviews can be found at Solzy at the Movies and Cultured Vultures. As the nation mourns, Johnson seeks to honor JFK's legacy by.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson staring Academy Award nominee Woody Harrelson and directed by Rob Reiner. Showtimes by Theatre Showtimes by Movie Special Screenings Movie Review Archive. The biographical drama LBJ treads much of the territory Robert Schenkkan's expertly crafted stage play. While "LBJ" is competently made and features yet another great Woody Harrelson performance, it's LBJ features Woody Harrelson in a really great role.