Beast is a British psychological thriller starring Jessi Buckley, Johnny Flynn, Geraldine James and is written and directed by Michael Pearce. The movie comes to a head with a final conversation at a beachside restaurant, an exhilaratingly clever and ambiguous scene in which we must Beast review - a dangerous liaison to get your teeth into. "Beast" doesn't entirely hold together, but it's never less than fascinating to watch, mainly because it keeps so close to Moll's point of view, trapping us in her belljar. All Critics. "Beast" is a pitch black ride into the recesses of the human soul, and Buckley is the film's cold, dark heart.
Stream the Beast Movie Reviews episode, Beast Movie Review, free & on demand on iHeartRadio. Jessie Buckley and Johnny Flynn in "Beast," a film directed by Michael Pearce. Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon).
Nice guys finish last and serial killers finish first in Beast, a movie that isn't nearly as interesting as it sounds. Here is the review of Beast Movie Review - Beast Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate. She's also the main reason to seek out writer-director Michael Pearce's gripping new import, Beast. Beast is a brilliant but stressful panic attack of a movie, and Pearce's hands never leave the viewer's throat with his remarkable. Beauty and the Beast Movie Review. Soumya Srivastava Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
Trailer Beast
Emma Watson, Dan Stevens and an army of all-star voices do justice to animated landmark - even if some magic is. A thriller that deserves a bigger audience than it's going to get, Beast sees rising Irish star Jessie Buckley burn up the screen in a story of suspicion and sublimated rage spilling over. The Beast (Dan Stevens) also receives a personality upgrade and even gets his own song.
Watson and Stevens give a great performance and add to the magic of the film with their magnetic chemistry. Beast is hard to watch at times, from its graphic crime-scene photos to the pitiless way a rabbit is dispatched. Watch movie reviews for Beast in video form, created by film critics and amateurs. Reviewers share their opinions of the movie and explore it's best and worst aspects.