"Rising High" is a white collar crime movie with little pizazz and even less substance. Now on Netflix, the fast-paced German drama aspires to The movie opens on a rowdy mansion party hosted by our millionaire hero, Viktor (David Kross). Synopsis: Rising High - Ready to do anything to get rich, a young man upends the Berlin property market with his shady pal, till the good times threaten to destroy it all. rising high explained,movie review,netflix movie review.
What are some of the qualities that make Viktor an antihero? How does Rising High try to explain how his childhood influenced his behavior? 'Rising High' on Netflix: Film Review. Real-estate chicanery leads to the high life — and eventually the jail cell — in Netflix's flashy but familiar criminal This is a competently crafted movie too shallow to come up with much reason why we should root for these people, and too derivative to make their.
Rising High tells the story of the rise and fall of two real-estate fraudsters. Viktor Stein (David Kross), Gerry Falkland (Frederick Lau) and the banker Nicole Kleber (Janina Uhse) get incredibly rich within a short period of time. But soon they are sucked deeper and deeper into a maelstrom of lies, fraud and. Rising High movie reviews & Metacritic score: Rising High tells the story of the rise and fall of two real-estate fraudsters. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. And "High-Rise" the movie did hook me.
Trailer Rising High
The story of a seemingly inexplicable breakdown of. One of the reasons The Wolf of Wall Street was so successful critically and with salivating audiences is because you were never expected to. Rising High has obvious flaws in the script and most of the actions weren't really authentic for German standards.
Most of the scenes were over the top Nevertheless I actually kinda enjoyed Rising High because for now I needed a movie that wouldn't require too much thinking and seriousness and for. Movie Review - Rising High (Betonrausch). Post-Credit Scene - There is no post-credit scene. There is something about a good con film that can really engage you.